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Intel Continues Commitment To International Science & Engineering Fair

by Navin Maini on 14 May 2007, 20:09

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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Since 1996, Santa Clara, CA based Intel have sponsored the International Science & Engineering Fair, an event which is considered to be the world's largest science fair.

The Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), this year, has seen students from 51 countries, regions and territories around the world, arrive in Albuquerque, N.M, to compete for $4 million USD worth of scholarships and awards in the annual event.

The top three winners will be awarded with an impressive scholarship worth $50,000 US Dollars.

The projects explored by the students' employ disciplines that Intel explain, often address issues that have left scientists stumped for years. It is believed that the work into these projects could very well fuel scientific breakthroughs.

Impressively, in excess of 20 percent of the young scientists participating in the event, either already hold, or have applied for a patent for their work and this year's line up of projects includes topics such as climate change, cancer treatment and engineering solutions.

Intel quote that since 1996, when they became prime sponsor of the event, the number of finalists has increased by about 40 percent, to more than 1,500 students, whilst the number of countries, regions and territories participating has grown to more than 51, that being an increase of 70 percent.

Intel's commitment to the International Science & Engineering Fair is part and parcel of the company's global $100 million USD aim towards improving the quality of education.

Read the press release in full here.

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