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Microsoft’s Scroogleized version of the Google Chrome video ad

by Mark Tyson on 17 May 2013, 10:03

Tags: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Chrome

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Microsoft and Google are not the best of pals, with the companies in a high stakes battle to get you to use their competing products on the web, or via the cloud, and to use their different operating systems and computing platforms. This war for customers is sometimes manifested in a positive way, by offering better products and experiences and winning over users that way. However we also see evidence of this war in the use of negative advertising campaign strategies, with the high tech equivalent of name calling and hair pulling. Depending on your own opinion this negativity is either sour grapes or useful in providing important information to customers to know what they’re getting.

Microsoft has often been slinging mud at Google in recent times with the previous Scroogled ads and ads revealing negative information about Google’s underhand business practices. In my opinion Google has set itself up for these attacks with the very holy motto of “don’t be evil” contrasting with many cases of privacy invasion and the oblique obstruction of companies that tread on its financial toes. People like to see the “holier than thou” knocked off their pedestal.

Now we have seen a new Scroogled advert which was “leaked” during Google I/O and said to be an internal bit of tomfoolery.

The original Google version

“If you put this (Chrome) here (on all your devices), the web gets better, addresses fill automatically, passwords get remembered, for everything you do, however you do it, Chrome has you covered, for everyone, now everywhere, one browser for your laptop, phone and tablet.” The advert is backed by a soundtrack culled from Beethoven’s 5th symphony.

Microsoft’s Scrooglized version

“With Google Chrome, Everything everywhere is tracked, to target you with ads, to monetise your personal info, even when you are (in bed, in hospital or on the toilet), Google watches everything you do... and uses it to make a profit off of you, Chrome has you commercialised, following you, monetising you, now everywhere. Don’t get Scroogled.” Again the soundtrack is Beethoven’s 5th and the ad looks more of less the same in most ways except for the man running away from the Chrome icon with the dollars streaming from his pocket.

HEXUS Forums :: 24 Comments

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MS have a point, although there are alternatives like Chromium or Firefox which don't involve running back to IE. Personally I'll stick with Chrome plus Ghostery over IE's poor privacy extensions any day.
While not exactly MS's #1 fan, and with a distinct overtone of “Mr Pot, meet Mr Kettle” to that, I have to say on this, I'm fully with MS. For Google to go on about doing no evil, while using legal but unethical tax avoidance measures, and at the same time, actively, deliberately and repeatedly ignoring the hell of people's privacy, strikes me as rank hypocrisy of the first order. If doing no evil was their original ethos, they sold out to the lure of the filthy lucre quite a while ago.
Firefox ESR all the way. It gets updated with hot fixes, but you don't get a new version every month. ;)

They can bitch at each other, but you can only feel completely safe and secure with the Open Source software, since everybody can take a look at the source code and see what's going on. That goes for operating systems, too.
MS have a point, although there are alternatives like Chromium or Firefox which don't involve running back to IE. Personally I'll stick with Chrome plus Ghostery over IE's poor privacy extensions any day.
Agreed, except about Chrome. On that, personally, no way, no how. It could be the best browser in the history of browsers and I'm not willing to try it, now or ever, because I simply don't trust Google.
MS have a point, although there are alternatives like Chromium or Firefox which don't involve running back to IE. Personally I'll stick with Chrome plus Ghostery over IE's poor privacy extensions any day.
My view too - I need cross-platform support, so IE isn't really an option. And while I might consider moving to Windows Phone next year (assuming Microsoft haven't dropped it or forgotten about it by then) there's no way that I'm going to downgrade my main system from Linux to Windows 8 (even if they do push MUI into the background).

Quite like these (childish?) ads - especially that anti-Apple set that Samsung US did last year for the S3 and Note (“The Next Big Thing”) that ended up with that “I believe in a thing called love” flash mob video.

We need more “childish” ad campaigns…. :D