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Sony artist tells us that the Xbox 360 is better than the PS3

by Steven Williamson on 11 January 2006, 09:08

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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Xbox is better - official

A web page ran by a 3D artist called Josh Robinson who has worked on the development of Sony's Playstation 3 states that the writer and some of his colleagues believe that the Xbox 360 is better than than the PS3.

It seems like the whole world is slowly getting wind of his comments which will no doubt leave him in hot water with his bosses.

He, said, "I’ve spent some time the past year developing for the PS3. Actually it was a cinematic demo to be shown at E3 in 2005 at a closed door viewing. I was one of the few artists selected to work on it for the demo. My job was primarily asset creation. I was creating assets to populate the path where our camera would be flying during the demo. The company I work for is also working on a launch title that I am quite familiar with. In short, I’ve spent some time around the PS3 and or the teams developing for it."

Now I’ve spoken with people who are on the technical side of the PS3. I’ve also talked with people on the technical side of the XBOX 360. The consistent comment I am hearing from people on my end is, “The XBOX 360 is better”. They are saying that it is capable of just doing more."

According to the web page Josh is a 27 year old with 9 years experience in the field. He said, " I have been very busy this last year trying to make a name for myself within the industry." You can say that again!

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I have been very busy this last year trying to make a name for myself within the industry."

Well… I think he's managed that within the first month of 2006 :)
Lee @ SCAN
Well… I think he's managed that within the first month of 2006 :)

His name will be everywhere - perhaps he should have remained anonymous:Oops:
I think the phrase here is “oops”
It must be “oops” indeed if a person working on the PS3 for months and states that the xbox360 is better.

Oh to be a fly on the wall in Steve Balmers office (or is that padded cell?) when he hears about this :)
Shouts to me of a guy who wants to be noticed - get himself a bit of notoriety.