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London house fire tragedy spurs Facebook campaign

by Steven Williamson on 29 September 2011, 09:46

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Following the house fire tragedy that killed six members of a London-based family last week, the London Fire Brigade has launched a ‘Save a Life’ campaign on Facebook in a bid to help prevent similar tragedies happening in the future.

On Saturday 24 September, in what was described as “the worst house fire in decades,” fire crews were called to a house in Neasden, north-west London, where a mother and five of her children were killed by the thick smoke caused by the “accidental” blaze.

The Facebook fire safety campaign will offer tips over the next seven days on how to protect your home from fire.

Chairman of London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority’s Community Safety Committee, Cllr Susan Hall, said: “This tragic fire has made many people think about fire safety in their home which is why the Brigade has launched its Facebook campaign, Share it, Save a Life."

“With the help of the Facebook-using public we hope to cut the number of fires. If you’re one of the 26 million people in the UK who uses Facebook I’d urge you to look us up and show your friends and family how much you care about them by sharing a fire safety tip. You never know, you might just save a life.”

The first tip focuses on electrical appliances and warns home owners not to overload plug sockets and to call a repairman if you notice “strange noises or smells from an appliance".

Check out the official "Share It, Save A Life" campaign on Facebook or visit the "Share It, Save A Life" campaign on London Fire Brigade website for daily tips.

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