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Google+ Games now official

by Scott Bicheno on 12 August 2011, 11:50

Tags: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG), Facebook

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Games without frontiers?

Google has formally announced the launch of a gaming facility for its new social networking initiative Google+. It was announced by Google's social supremo Vic Gundotra via the usual blog, and comes a few weeks after Google apparently let the cat out of the bag.

Gundotra offered the standard ‘we believe in sharing' corporate line, but soon moved onto one of the key features Google is hoping differentiates its social networking service from Facebook - the ability to choose who you share with.

"We want to make playing games online just as fun, and just as meaningful, as playing in real life," he blogged. "That means giving you control over when you see games, how you play them and with whom you share your experiences. Games in Google+ are there when you want them and gone when you don't."

It looks like Google has done a good job in getting the right games publishers on-board, with its initial offering including the ubiquitous Angry Birds and games from the social gaming market leader Zynga. This seems like a US-only launch initially, as we're not seeing the games tab in our Google+ page yet.



There's a growing trend for Facebook and Google to try to steal each other's thunder with social product announcements, and this was no exception.

The Facebook blog added a new post entitled ‘Making games better' in the early hours of this morning listing some enhancements to its own gaming service, including a stream of your friends' activities, a larger playing area, and the ability to bookmark your favourite games. Isn't competition a wonderful thing?



HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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This is exactly the kind of thing that will kill google plus for me :(

I like it at the moment as its so clean, simple..its facebook like it used to be before apps.

I have a strong suspicion that first it will be games, then apps in general..and before you know it we have a true facebook clone on the horizon.

I am sure that I will be in the minority with this view, and I do understand that google need to monitise this platform at some point..but still, its dissapointing.
This is exactly the kind of thing that will kill google plus for me :(

I like it at the moment as its so clean, simple..its facebook like it used to be before apps.

I have a strong suspicion that first it will be games, then apps in general..and before you know it we have a true facebook clone on the horizon.

I am sure that I will be in the minority with this view, and I do understand that google need to monitise this platform at some point..but still, its dissapointing.

Completely agree. The appeal of google+ is the clean simple approach. Although I don't mind games, but as long as they aren't trying to sell credits so you can progress through them. I hate things like social city, where you have to use real money to buy your way through the game.
Agreed, I don't mind others having the option to play games… I just don't want that spam on my feed.

If G+ integrates Games in the same way they've done it with Sparks I'll be happy. I only see the Sparks I'm interested in when I click on that specific feed so it doesn't intrude on my normal use of G+ and works as a beneficial extra for those that want it.

As long as Google maintain the focus of each user choosing who they share with and what they see I don't mind. The most important thing for me is to be able to do without the extra things without too much hassle, something you can't do on Facebook.
getting there fingers in all the pies…