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Dell unleashes contract-free Streak, sells direct

by Pete Mason on 29 June 2010, 22:53

Tags: Dell (NASDAQ:DELL)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaywm

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A few short weeks ago, Dell released its 5in Android tablet exclusively onto O2’s network here in the UK. As of this week, though, the Streak is being sold directly from Dell’s web site, unlocked and ready for any network, for £449.

The Streak, which fits squarely between phones and full-blown tablets, runs Android 1.6 - though an upgrade to Android 2.2 'Froyo' is due later in the year - and can connect to the world via Bluetooth, WiFi or 3G networks if paired with an appropriate SIM card. That mobile connection can also be used to send texts and make calls, as long as you’re fine with holding the sizeable device up to your ear. In addition, the Streak has a 5MP camera, has access to the Android Marketplace and Google Maps, and features all of the mod cons that you’d expect from a high-end smartphone.

While O2 offers the tablet at various price points both on and off contract, this is the first time that the Streak is being offered to consumers with absolutely no strings attached. This will be ideal for those who want to use the tablet on their network of choice, or who simply don’t want to be tied in to O2’s network. At the same time, O2 is offering a SIM-locked version of the Streak off contract for £399, a whole £50 less than Dell. For anyone who just wants to use the tablet over WiFi, being locked to O2 is a small concession for a £50 saving.

For those ready to take the plunge, the unlocked Streak is available now, directly from Dell’s online store.

Link: Dell's online store.

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I really hope this tablet thing doesn't take off, I hate things like this that basically just hunder the computer industry because they're all busy milking gimmicks for the home user rather than developing proper components for the gamers and professional designers etc.