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Mobile Nehalem processors coming later than expected?

by Parm Mann on 19 June 2009, 09:59

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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Leaked slides that are believed to detail Lenovo's notebook roadmap have appeared at Engadget Chinese, and amid an array of new products, what's interesting is that the Chinese manufacturer suggests that all of its Calpella-based systems won't appear until Q1 2010 at the earliest.

Calpella, a codename for Intel's sixth-generation Centrino platform, will introduce Nehalem-derived mobile processors branded, presumably, as the 45nm Core i7 Clarksfield and the 32nm IGP-packing Core i3 Arrandale.

Both Clarksfield and Arrandale parts were originally expected to appear later this year, but numerous reports have stated that Intel has been under pressure to push back its launch to allow its partners to clear stock of Montevina-based systems, a.k.a. Centrino 2.

There's no official confirmation of a further delay from Intel itself, but Lenovo's roadmaps make it seem quite clear:

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