A USB drive with a microSD adaptor built-in might be sounding mighty familiar - and rightfully so, as Silicon Power launched a range of them back in September. Back then, HEXUS.community members couldn't see the point - they went as far as to call it "fiddly and pointless, especially when flash memory is so cheap".
Well, the folks over at OCZ seem to think that USB Flash drives with a built-in expansion slot that doubles as a card reader do have a point. So much so, that it's launching its own range of CrossOver drives.
The CrossOver USB Flash drive, pictured below, is available in 2GB, 4GB or 8GB capacities, and a microSD or microSDHC memory card can be slotted into a rear-housed built-in reader.
By doing so, the drive's capacity can be increased, or it can just be used as a convenient on-the-go card reader. If the price is almost in-line with a regular USB Flash drive of a similar capacity, we don't think it's an entirely bad idea. The added functionality could be useful, particularly for those without any memory card reader at all.
Over to you, readers. Fiddly and pointless or quite useful? Share your thoughts in the HEXUS.community forums.
Official press release: OCZ Technology Announces the CrossOver USB Flash Drive