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Intel's Nehalem to launch in September?

by Parm Mann on 25 July 2008, 11:11

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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Intel's roadmap has already indicated that Bloomfield, its first Nehalem-based chip, would ship as a 2.66GHz mainstream chip in Q4 '08, accompanied by 2.93GHz performance and 3.2GHz extreme parts.

We were pleasantly surprised to see a mainstream Nehalem-chip scheduled for as early as Q4, but reports now suggest that Intel could be preparing to launch its first Bloomfield processors in September, toward the end of Q3.

According to DigiTimes, sources at motherboard manufacturers have stated that Bloomfield processors will now launch in September along with Intel's X58 chipset. Retail availability of the new chips, however, is said to be expected in October.

Earlier this month, HKEPC, claimed Intel's 2.66GHz Bloomfield part will retail at a surprisingly low $284, in one thousand unit quantities.

With Intel yet to make an official statement, it's all rumours for now, but we get the impression that the long-awaited successor to the Core microarchitecture is closer than we think.

Related reading

Mainstream Nehalem chips in Q4 '08, says leaked Intel roadmap
Intel's 2.66GHz Nehalem chip to target the mainstream at $284?
Intel's Nehalem roadmap revealed: Lynnfield and Havendale in Q3 '09

HEXUS Forums :: 12 Comments

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now thats what im talking about. greta news
now thats what im talking about. greta news

As in Hansel and? ;)

I always thought it was just Q4, so still in line with that. Not that there's any particular rush I'd have thought, unless somethings happening in the server area I'm not very aware of.
This is going to be good.
I think I'm going to wait to upgrade now. I feel like I might regret it if I don't. At the least the release of nehalem will bring about big price cuts on core 2 chips. If that happens 2 months after I've spend hundreds on upgrading I won't be happy.
Makes me wonder how or if AMD is ever going to get it back together. Another crushing blow on the desktop front is coming for them. That midrange Nehalem looks mighty tempting.