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Probe of Intel spreads to South Korea

by Steve Kerrison on 9 August 2005, 00:00

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South Korea's Fair Trade Commission is investigating Intel's sales activities, requesting documents related to rebates and marketing. Most readers will make the immediate connection between this and investigations in both Europe & Japan, along with the current legal action that AMD is taking against Intel.

According to a BBC News story, regulators in South Korea are looking for evidence of anti-competitive behaviour, giving Intel until the end of the month to hand requested documents over. 80% of the microprocessor market in South Korea belongs to Intel, and there are concerns that Intel are leveraging their dominant position in unfair ways.

There doesn't appear to be any official response from AMD on this subject at the time of writing. However, last month AMD voiced its support for raids of Intel's European offices, so it's likely that we will see a similar message conveyed by AMD on the events unfolding in South Korea.

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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How far is this going to go?

We gonna hear people saying “AMD raided my undies”?
No raiding going on here I'm afraid, just requests for documents.
Who actually decides where to request the docs?

Is it AMD or the government?
Well it's the S. Korea FTC doing the work, which, I expect, has taken place due to what's been going on in other countries and the publicity generated by AMD.