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Google Docs expands offline offering

by Parm Mann on 28 April 2008, 13:15

Tags: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG)

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Earlier this month, Google announced that it was to begin rolling out offline access to its popular web-based application, Google Docs.

Originally, the offline project was limited to Google's word processing application and today, Google has added offline access to presentations and spreadsheets.

Speaking on the official Google Docs Blog, Andrew Chang, marketing manager, said:

"When we first announced offline access several weeks ago, it was limited to viewing and editing word processing documents. Now, we've added view-only offline access to spreadsheets and presentations as well."

"You won't need to worry about an unreliable internet connection as you walk up to the front of the room to give your next presentation. Just click on your Google Docs desktop icon and know that your presentations and spreadsheets will be stored on your computer, at your fingertips."

Though offline access to spreadsheets and presentations is now available, it should be noted that both can only be viewed. In order to edit the documents, at present, a user must be online.

If you're new to Google Docs, and curious about offline access, here's a Google-created video demonstrating how offline access to Google Docs could be of benefit to the user:

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Still only read access offline, though. To edit, you need to be online.

To be honest, the chance of me giving Google any form of access to my documents, spreadsheets etc = zero. Or less. :D