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NVIDIA brings PhysX to GeForce 8- and 9-series cards

by Tarinder Sandhu on 15 April 2008, 09:16


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When NVIDIA purchased AGEIA Technologies - inventor of PhysX, used to create accurate physics in games via a custom PPU and specifically written software - back in February this year, we all knew what was coming.

Now, just two months on, NVIDIA has announced that the conversion of the PhysX API, through its CUDA programming language that interfaces with the GPUs, is almost complete.

What that means for owners of GeForce 8- and 9-series cards is that you'll soon have PhysX-enabled games, detailed here, running on your card without the explicit need for an additional PPU.

Once finalised, users will be able to download and seamlessly install the CUDA-written driver that enables all that lovely collision action to run seamlessly on existing hardware.

The question, we suppose, is how much of a performance penalty invoking PhysX causes to frame rates?

It's another bow in NVIDIA's armoury against Intel's looming Larrabee, we suppose, but we'll wait and see how Intel uses its Havok physics middleware, purchased last year.

HEXUS Forums :: 16 Comments

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As an owner of an ATI graphics card and with the news that Physx hardware is likely EOL, what chance is there for me to jump on the Physx bandwagon and enjoy the games short of buying nVidia hardware? I've always thought it was a good idea, but just haven't had the funds to get the card as yet.

As an owner of an ATI graphics card and with the news that Physx hardware is likely EOL, what chance is there for me to jump on the Physx bandwagon and enjoy the games short of buying nVidia hardware? I've always thought it was a good idea, but just haven't had the funds to get the card as yet.


to be honest fella the question should be are the developers actively writing for these physics engines, it used to be plastered all over various sites but nowdays its very quiet. Still it will be a nice addon for free ;)
Quiet for now, but now Nvidia's coughed up for it, no doubt we'll be seeing it put in a few more games..?
Quiet for now, but now Nvidia's coughed up for it, no doubt we'll be seeing it put in a few more games..?

I would hope that with nvidia adding support on series 8 and 9 cards the support in future games will come through. Hopefully, all those ‘the way its meant to be played’ games released in the future will support it.

My questions are:
- Is there a performance hit using the physx on my card?
- Can I toggle it on and off or is it just a case of if you have the driver installed the its on by default?
The problem with this sort of thing is why would developers start using it without a big user base, and why would someone buy it without the games, a bit chicken and egg. NVida thou by supporting it might be able to perswade develeopers to use it, but given that theres a competeting standard from Intel, and that most people now are buying quad core CPUs which most games gracefully ignore, i think they might have to work quite hard to actually get development houses to use it in any way more than a gimmic.