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Apple launches Aperture 2, introduces over 100 new features

by Parm Mann on 12 February 2008, 14:34

Tags: Aperture, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

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Aperture 2 available now at $199

A new version of Apple's Photoshop equivalent is now available from the US Apple store in the form of Aperture 2.

Available immediately at a cost of $199 or $99 as an upgrade for existing Aperture users, the new release of Apple's photo editing software promises over 100 new features aimed at making the package faster, easier and more powerful.

Rob Schoeben, Apple’s vice president of Applications Product Marketing says: "Many of the most respected photographers on assignment all over the world trust Aperture to organise, edit and deliver their images. With its simpler interface and lower price, anyone can take full advantage of Aperture’s power."

Apple Aperture 2

Aperture 2 features a redesigned user interface which Apple hopes will make the software more intuitive and accessible. If you'd like to see it in action, Apple offers a free 30 day trial at apple.com/aperture/trial.

There's no sign of Aperture 2 on the UK Apple store just yet so we don't have a confirmed price for UK users but we do expect it to show up soon.

Head on over to Apple.com to read all about Aperture 2 and take a look at its long list of new features.

Official press release: Apple Releases Aperture 2

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