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Archaeological discovery: Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull photos!

by Parm Mann on 28 November 2007, 14:15

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Hey, lady! You call him Dr. Jones!

Over at the IMDB forums, a few of what appear to be official production photos for the 2008 movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull have surfaced to the joy of Indy fans everywhere.

When George Lucas first announced that both he and Steven Spielberg were bringing the franchise back to the big screen, I feared the worst. It's one of my most loved childhood movies (trilogies even) and with Harrison Ford now 65 years of age, older than Sean Connery when he appeared as Indiana's dad in The Last Crusade, I didn't think he'd be able to pull off wearing the hat and whip once again.

Having seen these images however, my fears have been set aside and Mr Ford definitely still looks the part. The movie is scheduled for a UK release of May 22nd 2008 and I'm now officially excited.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Click any of the above images for the complete picture.

Official movie website: IndianaJones.com

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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Doctor jones, jones,
Calling doctor jones!
He does look good, better than expected, but it seems that he looks older & older as the shots progress. Still, really looking forward to this, even though I have a very real sense fo dread about it.

Best Saturday I've had this year - going to a wee local cinema in Glasgow & watching the trilogy, complete with old dirt speckled prints. It was marvelous.
Best Saturday I've had this year - going to a wee local cinema in Glasgow & watching the trilogy, complete with old dirt speckled prints. It was marvelous.
That sounds awesome!

I always enjoyed The Last Crusade the most, found the humour between Indy and his dad to be top notch. Totally cracks me up when they're tied up in front of that fire place.
It really was awesome, though not as busy as it should have been. Would do it again in a flash. Raiders is my favourite by miles, though I do love all 3 of them. Can't say I felt any negative thoughts about Temple due to it's darker nature. Mola Ram is a great baddie also.

Gotta love the Peter Griffin/Giant Chicken fights in Family Guy - especially the one that ends in homage to the Raiders Indy vs massive Nazi boxing match.