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HTC joins Nokia in Apple sue-fest

by Scott Bicheno on 13 May 2010, 12:14

Tags: Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Nokia (NYSE:NOK), HTC (TPE:2498)

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Your move, Steve

Everyone knows the stakes are high as the tech companies jostle for supremacy in the mobile Internet era, and the amount of litigation over mobile phone patents of late illustrates that perfectly.

Apple seems to have filled the breach left by traditional litigation targets Microsoft, Intel and Qualcomm. The massive success of the iPhone and, it seems, the iPad, mean it is very much at the head of the pack when it comes to mobile devices and this is inevitably leading to friction with the companies it has overtaken.

Possibly the two incumbents with the biggest stake in the smartphone market are Nokia and HTC and, funnily enough, these are the two that are locked in patent litigation combat with Apple. To be fair to Apple, Nokia started it last October and Apple soon returned the favour. Apple's newly invigorated patent lawyers then decided to have a pop at HTC, which manufactured the first Google phone.

Inevitably HTC is now suing Apple back - filing a complaint with the International Trade Commission and asking it to halt the importation and sale of the iPhone, iPad and iPod in the United States. HTC has come out with the usual platitudes about protecting itself and its customers, but it seems highly unlikely that the sale of Apple stuff will be halted.

Apparently one of the patents in dispute - concerning power control technology for electronic devices - was only granted the day before HTC filed its complaint. This also seems to be the only patent that doesn't just apply to just the iPhone, so it looks like a bit of opportunistic patent filing to us.

HTC is effectively raising the stakes - as is standard practice when you counter-sue. It comes only a week after Nokia counter, counter-sued Apple in Wisconsin, alleging the iPhone and the iPad 3G infringe on five speech and data transmission patents. Your move, Steve.


HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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Sounds like both are loosing ground big time in Apple's favour…

But trying to stop sales of iPhone/iPad and iPod is a bit over the top tbh..
That's what apple were trying to do to the Nexus wasn't it?
Sounds like both are loosing ground big time in Apple's favour…
Erm, half right there - sure the gadget press are pretty united in the belief that Nokia haven't really come up with something “shinier” than the iPhone. On the other hand the same press also appear unanimous that - currently at least - HTC Android gear is more “sexy” than the stuff from Cupertino.

Which, let's be honest, is probably the sole reason why Lord Jobs decided to unleash the legal attack dogs onto HTC. (Plus he/they bottled out of trying to take on Google of course). But that's been covered/discussed to death elsewhere … :sleep:

But trying to stop sales of iPhone/iPad and iPod is a bit over the top tbh..

Why? I'm no HTC apologist (all my phone gear is either SE or Nokia) but it strikes me as a form of “justice” that HTC have filed what - to me at least - looks like a pretty frivolous patent to hook Apple on. It's amusing to me because I'm sure I remember comments that the Apple patents they were bludgeoning HTC with were also similarly “thin”. But here again I half-agree with you - I think they should have targeted just the iPhone, rather than the whole Apple iWhatever hardware range. :stop:

I've got to ask the follow up question though - does the HTC patent apply to other mobile device folks, especially Nokia?

I dare say that my opinions'll get me flamed by the iPhonies out there - and I'm quite happy to admit I've an anti-Apple bias (love the products - esp the Macs, but hate the “customer service” experience) :angst:

Id say crossy post was pretty much it :D.

Its not too far really, Apple actually tried to sue HTC first and half the sales so why shouldnt HTC's counter sue be of the same degree?. I reckon Apple infringe a lot of patents but with their size they will get away with it, just like every other company ha.

Apple should just keep themselves to themselves because its petty tbh, HTC designed really nice phones and they actually out spec iphones by a fair margin…. Apple must of lost alot of ground to HTC which is why they initiated in this sueing :P. The new iphone looks similar in HTC design, did they copy HTC's design? SUE.

So much crap in laws tbh :D.
HTC has filled these patents for defensive purposes and has only used them because apple fired first. all this is like is a very expensive playground spat, only with lawyers and patents rather than sticks and harsh language. this will only go one of two ways either both companies will go to court and each will fine each other. or they will enter some sort of cross licensing agreement. the itc is loophole that is used to strong-arm the other party into licensing before it gets to court. lets not forget that apple fired the first salvo here and it has been known to backfire massively for companies who try this. unless Nokia try something against HTC i would not think HTC are too bothered about nokia potentially infringing this patent