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Google's underwater Street View expands, new locations added

by Mark Tyson on 26 February 2014, 12:45

Tags: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qacbej

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Google has announced that its underwater Street View imagery collection has expanded with several new locations added. It's great to see this provision of further depth to Street View which has notably also gone as high up as Mount Everest and Kilimanjaro. Also last week we learned about another extension to Google Maps facilitated via the Tango smartphone – to map out your interior wanderings.

Whale Sharks at Isla Contoy

Underwater Street View first rolled out back in 2012 and has been expanding ever since. Google says that it aims to expand to the rest of the world's underwater treasures and expects a much larger collection in the next two years. Recent additions seem to focus mainly on areas around North and South America.

Underwater Museum of Isla Mujeres

The beautiful new images are a result of Google's partnership with Catalin Seaview Survey as the team uses several special underwater cameras to capture the panoramic images used for the project. Each excursion is said to take place over a 2-3 km area whilst comprising around 300-400 images which are stitched together later to form the panoramic images. The latest new routes include the San Francisco Shoreline, Larvotto Marine Reserve in Monaco and some off the coast of Isla Mujeres and Cancun in Mexico.

Previously featured in the collection are locations like Australia's Great Barrier Reef, the Philippines, Hawaii, off the cost of Bermuda, and the Galapagos Isles.

Here is the full clickable list of new locations, if you are in an exploring mood:

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I wish Google would just restore features like weather map overlay, and making the controls back to what they were as I keep having to swap back to classic mode. All these fancy features are no good if the basics are either less easy to use or simply missing.
There are streets underwater?!? Mind blown.
There are streets underwater?!? Mind blown.

Not been watching the news for the last month or two have you? ;)
There are streets underwater?!? Mind blown.

Not been watching the news for the last month or two have you? ;)
Lol brilliant! Made my day.