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Konami reward Metal Gear Online players

by Steven Williamson on 5 November 2008, 09:30

Tags: Konami (TYO:9766), PS3, Action/Adventure

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Konami's Metal Gear Online has reached a milestone this week and to celebrate they'll be reward points dished out to all players!

Metal Gear Online now has over 1 million members and to commemorate this achievement, Konami will launch a special campaign, "Metal Gear Online: Commemorative Campaign," that will officially begin on November 25, 2008, awarding reward points to gamers who access Metal Gear Online during the promotion. These reward points can be used to purchase new online gear from the in-game reward shop.

During the Commemorative Campaign period of November 25, 2008 from December 9, 2008, all players who own a Metal Gear Online account (Game IDs) and access the game will receive 10,000 reward points each. The 10,000 reward points will be updated to account owners on the last day of the campaign, December 9, 2008.

Player characters who access Metal Gear Online during the Commemorative Campaign period will also have a chance to be one of 30 people (10 people from each region, North America, Europe and Japan) to receive an additional 100,000 reward points. The 100,000 reward points drawing will happen after the campaign ends and will be awarded the drawn winners on December 16, 2008.

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