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Fancy driving an 800mph jet car?

by Parm Mann on 21 April 2008, 10:57

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Don't let Hammond's experience put you off

Track days are all well and good, but this, dear readers, is something else entirely. If you don't like rollercoaster rides, you can look away now.

For those of you who prefer to live a little closer to the wild side, you'll like this. A joint American-Canadian team has developed a 42,500bhp jet car, called the North American Eagle, and is now seeking a driver who thinks he/she can beat the 763mph land speed record set by the Thrust SSC.

Here's the fun bit. They're looking for a driver aged between 20 and 40 years of age and someone that has relevant experience in motor racing, flying or other extreme sports. Playing Forza Motorsport on your Xbox 360 sadly doesn't count.

North American Eagle

Ed Shadle, co-owner and creator of the North American Eagle, said:

"When you throttle this car up, you know you’re going for a ride. It’s a lot of fun to drive. But if my age is stopping us getting sponsors, we have to remove that barrier. We’ll put some hotshot in the driving seat who looks like Robert Redford and see how that works."

So then, any Robert Redford lookalikes among our HEXUS readers? If you do fancy your chances and believe you have what it takes to be at the helm of a 56ft-long jet car, send a 400-word e-mail listing your credentials and a photo of yourself to landspeedracing@gmail.com.

Source: Times Online

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I'm nominating “The Hamster” :)
My thoughts exactly! :)
I'll do it
What the hell… why not eh?

Ok, so how am I gonna apply for this… suggestions as to what I should put in the mail anyone?