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EA expects to sell about 15 million copies of Battlefield 1

by Mark Tyson on 4 August 2016, 11:01

Tags: Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA)

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EA recently published its latest set of quarterly financials. In the post release conference call some interesting specifics were discussed about the upcoming AAA titles; namely Battlefield 1, and Titanfall 2.

In brief, the results saw EA enjoy a "great" Q1 FY17 with better net revenue than previous guidance, at $1.271 billion. Digital business was the driver of the most recent quarter with the notable "outperformance" of FIFA Ultimate Team on console, and Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes on mobile. NBA LIVE mobile was also said to be looking good. More of EA's biggest games used the Frostbite engine. Last but not least, EA is optimistic about "the unstoppable combination of Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 coming this holiday".

VG247 reports that the post-results conference call revealed more about EA's expectations for Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2. EA CFO Blake Jorgensen said that he expects Battlefield 1 to sell about 15 million copies in its first year – which is typical for a Battlefield title. However, he is hoping that excitement for the game will mean it breaks through that number. The first Titanfall game sold 7 million copies. Optimistically EA is expecting the sequel to sell around 10 million.

While the above expectations might not seem extraordinary, we must remember that Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 are scheduled for release just a week apart; Battlefield 1 is released on 21st October, Titanfall 2 is due on 28th October. In addition to EA's 'holiday' salvo, rival publisher Activision will be launching the latest instalment of its Call of Duty franchise, Infinite Warfare, on 4th November.

Battle in Battlefield 4 China Rising, now free

As per the subheading EA is currently letting Battlefield 4 players download the China Rising DLC for free. This expansion spreads the action to the Chinese mainland "with all-new maps, vehicles, gadgets, and a new game mode". Of course PC players need to use Origin to get the freebie.

If you are a Battlefield 4 player and fancy adding China Rising to your game please don't dilly dally as the free DLC promotion will end next Tuesday, 9th August.

HEXUS Forums :: 7 Comments

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I think either Mass effect 3 or Battlefield 3 was my last EA game. I stopped buying them back then after all the stupid DLC practices they started adopting. Has this changed or are people happy paying for essential DLC now?
I think either Mass effect 3 or Battlefield 3 was my last EA game. I stopped buying them back then after all the stupid DLC practices they started adopting. Has this changed?


…are people happy paying for essential DLC now?

Seemingly so.

I got stung with ME3 & BF3 as well. Now I just don't buy EA games until they release a GOTY / Premium edition, and even then only if it's heavily discounted and I've had chance to read reviews.

Punishing your early adopters and most dedicated fans is beyond stupid. I used to happily pay £40-£60 for the “deluxe” editions of certain franchises like ME. Then they started taking the mick and charging £50 for the game with a few extra textures, then releasing DLC after-the-fact at £10 a pop, or £40 for a ‘mystery box’ season pass.

Now I'll wait and won't pay more than £10 - £15 for the whole thing, or I'll skip it all together. I'm all for supporting the franchise but not if the publisher is going to try to milk me for £100 for the privilege.

BF1, Need for Speed, Battlefront, DA:I, Titanfall, BF4 and Crysis 3 are all games I probably would've paid full price for at release if it wasn't for EA's awful anti-consumer practices. Of those, BF4 is the only one I ended up buying (for <£20).

I'd much rather give my money to publishers who deserve the support.
<Insert Hype Here>
Wait for the reviews before investing… Which means I almost certainly wont be.
Punishing your early adopters and most dedicated fans is beyond stupid.

I am glad I am not the only one feeling like this, I have been mugged for BF3, BF4 and SimCity which regret purchasing, due to the nature of the failed release. The game should have been pulled, or refunds handed out, but alas you do not get that sort of ‘fair’ treatment from EA.

Here is to hoping that my current friends playing BF4 don't fall for the same money grabbing exercise by EA with BF1. If they do though I will be compelled to join them eventually, but begrudgingly.
Has this changed or are people happy paying for essential DLC now?

Not sure about other people, but when it came to the Sims 3/4 I just plain refused to buy DLC that seemed interesting. I have a rule where I won't buy a game/DLC if I can't make enough money in the time it takes me to complete it to pay for the DLC, and most of the Sims DLC just isn't significant to be worth it. Who wants to pay £8 for a pack of ‘stuff’? and I couldn't justify paying £30, that I could basically buy an entirely new game for, for DLC that actually only included 3 jobs. Think the last Battlefield game I played though was 2, had a decent campaign but couldn't really get into the online - Didn't agree with them selling ‘short cut’ kits so people didn't have to play the game for longer. I guess at this point, they're just trying to create ‘cash-cow’ games.
Doubt I'll buy Battlefield 1 for the same reason.