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Buffalo Technology launches CloudStation

by Navin Maini on 2 November 2011, 12:58

Tags: Buffalo Technology

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa7vy

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Buffalo Technology has launched its 2-bay CloudStation storage solution, available in 2TB and 4TB capacities.



Powered by a Marvell 6282 SoC running at 1.6GHz, 256MB DDR3 RAM and aided by Pogoplug, the CloudStation is said to give users the ability to create a personal cloud in less than 60 seconds. The unit also features DLNA certification, a built-in BitTorrent client, and Apple Time Machine compatibility.

Boasting no service fees, the CloudStation allows users to store, access and share their content, from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection, via a web browser, tablet or smartphone. There are a host of free mobile applications for Android devices, iPhones and iPads available, plus in addition, Buffalo tells us that users can also share their content via social media outlets - with just a few clicks.

Paul Hudson, Sales Director for Northern Europe at Buffalo Technology said: "The way we store, access and share data is rapidly moving beyond traditional channels. Buffalo's CloudStation delivers on the promise of data mobility and allows your content to be securely stored and shared with anyone, anywhere."

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