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Like dating? Like gaming? You're in for a good 2006!

by Steven Williamson on 16 January 2006, 09:56

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Sex, games and reality fusion

Webblog Terra Nova has a list of upcoming MMOs all scheduled for release this year. The only difference is, they are all virtual sex games.

Sex is a big seller. Online sex dating is huge across the U.S and Europe so it's no suprise that developers are trying to cash in on by bringing out games to tickle our libidos.It seems that 2006 could be the beginning of a widespread introduction of sex into videogames.

I really do not see the point of playing sex video games, although I may pick up a copy or two for review purposes of course.These games won't be a decent substitute for 'real' porn and until that time arrives I'm keeping my hands firmly in my pockets.

They will probably appeal to:

Teenagers : We all remember drooling over the underwear section of Kay's catalogue, teenager's eyes will be on stalks at the thought of such naughty games.Although you do have to be over 18 to purchase these games.

Single Males: A cheap thrill perhaps for those who don't have a girlfriend to help relieve their daily tensions (nothing wrong with that!)

Perverts: Online sex dating in a game will provide a great opportunity for all those people out there who have sexual thoughts beyond the norm. They can bring their fantasies into the real world.Naughty America: The Game features in-game chat functionality and real-world sex profiles. I get the feeling there may be thousands of men online fighting over a few women.

Rapture Online will allow you to change your voice so that you assume the voice of an actor or actress. The sultry sounding 19 year old may just be a 50 year pot bellied pervert from Plymouth!

Naughty America: Online stated through a press release that there game is, “A massively multiplayer online world that allows players to do what they've always wanted to: be naughty.” Surely this isn't aimed at fans of MMO, but a new market of sex gamers who will use it for their own purposes.

Other games have been more cautious in their statments. Sociolotron states that, “You must not use the system to plan or start a real life relationship”.

Here are a list of the games that are due for release (please note you must be 18 and even 21 on some of these sites to enter):

Heavenly Bodies
Naughty America: The Game
Rapture Online
Red Light District
Spend The Night

Some of these games are billed as social interaction games but, read through the different aspects of gameplay, and it's obvious that the games are meant to excite and arouse the player.

Why shouldn't the games industry provide adults with adult themed games? In a age where we are supposed to have freedom of speech we are constantly censored from those things that the watchdogs deem unsuitable. We should all have the choice whether to play these games or not.

It will be interesting to see how far developers go in providing us with the ultimate erotic gaming experience and what sort of clientele these games will attract in 2006.

Are these games going to be quality products or just a brief flirtation with the gaming market? Only time will tell. Close the bedroom door, turn the volume down and head into the world of cybersex this year.I'll be keeping one eye on how these games progress whilst the other eye will be firmly fixed to the office door, in case an unwelcome visitor should interrupt.

All of these games are due for release on PC, although dates are unconfirmed.

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