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Automatic Duck Teams Up with Red Giant Software

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Press Release

Automatic Duck Teams Up with Red Giant Software to Bridge the Color Correction Gap Between Final Cut Pro and After Effects
Technology Collaboration Enables Final Cut Pro Users to Seamlessly Export High Quality Color Correction Work To After Effects
SEATTLE, WA and SAN FRANCISCO, CA (June 12, 2007) – Automatic Duck (www.automaticduck.com) and Red Giant Software (www.redgiantsoftware.com), announced today that the two companies have partnered to bridge the color correction workflow gap between Apple Final Cut Pro and Adobe After Effects.  As result of this technology collaboration, Final Cut Pro users now have the option to use Automatic Duck's timeline translation tools to export all color correction work completed with Red Giant Software Magic Bullet Colorista directly to After Effects with all settings intact.

"Red Giant Software develops must-have visual effects and color correction plug-ins and has quickly become a staple in the toolboxes of Automatic Duck customers," said Wes Plate, president of Automatic Duck.  "It became very clear to us that customers needed a more compelling solution to help them bridge the color correction workflow gap between Final Cut Pro and After Effects.  Our collaboration with Red Giant Software to help Colorista users easily move between Final Cut and After Effects while maintaining stunning image quality adds significant value to customers' workflow experience, and that's a big win for users."

"Automatic Duck makes a great solution for creating a complete Final Cut Pro to After Effects finish possible," added Sean Safreed, co-founder of Red Giant Software.  "Finally Magic Bullet Colorista users have the ability to take a complete color correction including isolated masks and exposure adjustments and move them into After Effects. The release of our updated Magic Bullet Colorista 1.0.1 and Pro Import AE 4.0 from Automatic Duck makes the highest quality finish possible with full 32-bit float RGB processing and accurate 10-bit RGB 4:4:4 output in After Effects. This combination is really the missing link for a lot of post users that rely on Final Cut Pro and After Effects."

This collaboration marks the first time that Magic Bullet Colorista, a high-quality color correction plug-in application, can be used as the main color correction tool in Final Cut Pro.  Coupled with Automatic Duck, all settings and color correction work can be seamlessly moved to an After Effects timeline.  For users, this also means that moving to After Effects allows higher quality 10-bit or higher RGB finishing, as Final Cut Pro only handles 8-bit RGB rendering.  Users moving content from Final Cut Pro to After Effects can also maintain full quality for finishing with Black Magic, Aja or Cineform 10-bit RGB SD, HD or 2k media.

Pricing and Availability

Pro Import AE 4.0 is available immediately and is priced at $495. Users who purchased new licenses or upgrades to Pro Import AE 3.0 on or after March 8, 2007 will be offered upgrades to version 4.0 at no charge until December 8, 2007.  Users of Pro Import AE 3.0 who purchased before March 8, 2007, as well as users of older After Effects import plug-ins, will be able to upgrade for $195 per license.

Magic Bullet Colorista is available now for $199 USD.  To order, go to http://www.redgiantsoftware.com/magicbulletcolorista.html.  Note: Magic Bullet Colorista is licensed for both Final Cut Pro and After Effects, so users only need to purchase one license to move seamlessly between the two applications.

The Magic Bullet Colorista 1.0.1 updater for After Effects is available now for free to all current Magic Bullet Colorista customers. This updater paired with Automatic Duck Pro Import AE 4.0 enables users to seamlessly export high quality color correction work from Final Cut Pro to After Effects.